Zing Zang Zoom! came to town this week in Fort Worth.
Since I was very little I have had a love affair with the circus. My parents would always take Sara and me to every circus that came in town. One year we even got to ride on a circus trolley during the opening parade!!! In high school, my very first musical I was in was called Barnum, all about the life of Mr. P.T. Barnum himself!
As I got older I still loved the circus, but didn't go as often. Mike and I went one year while dating and Mike scored us some 4th row seats. To my dismay, seeing the circus up close and personal was not the best idea for a fan like myself. During this show the big "hook" was the world's smallest man! Well, we saw the big contraption move to the corner of the floor with a small man that looked truly dead. No kiddin', think Weekend at Bernie's! Then all of a sudden the lights were on him and BAM! this freaky man came to life, waving and flailing around like crazy!!
After this horrific event I have not been back to the circus until Wednesday!
My sister's amazing BFF, Liz, scored us 4 tickets and my parents took Luke and me!
The show was fabulous and everything a circus should be! Thank God we did not have up close seats, but rather seats that enabled us to see all 3 rings and there was NO world's smallest man, otherwise I would have caught up on some Facebook in the car! Luke loved every minute of it, as you will see from the pcitures!
Thank you Liz for this gift, especially from the Mom who now gets to share her love of theatrics with her theatrical son!
Ready for the circus!
He is excited despite the lackluster smile!
The wizard and his groupies!
This is some major belly laughing!!!!!
Okay, so my weird child did wear these the entire show! He's going through a noise sensitivity phase in his life!
Luke thought the show was Thumbs Up!
***Warning*****Nude dude ahead...
This is what a sugar rush after the circus looks like in our house!!
We continued the fun the next morning with some Cotton Candy breakfast but with clothes!!!!!