Sunday, August 29, 2010

There's No Place Like Home(s)????????

That's right! The title says Homes(S)!!!!! Two weeks ago, on Sunday, we put our house up for sale and purchased land to begin building our dream home!!! Yup, all in about 5 hours! We are now in the tricky phase called, OMG we just bought land to build and we are still in our house!!!!!! So, if you know someone who is looking for a move in ready house, we have the house for you!!!! We will even throw in some ruby red slippers!
Here is what's been happening...

There she is! Our neighbors, who we LOVE, have not even stolen it out of the yard...YET!

House for sale models!
Putting the SOLD button on our brand new lot!!!
Our pretty plot 'o land!
This is what we do to get out of the house during showings!
Nothing like a little dress time in the mall!!!!!!
See, if you buy our house you are also buying some beautiful butterflies!

Keep us in your thoughts! I, for those who know me, am a planner and this whole leave the house everyday spotless, we'll give you 15 mintues to get out for a showing, find a spot for your dog so the potential buyers don't know you have one, hide the laundry, dirty dishes, and all your valuables routine is about to send me to the LOONY bin!

Dorothy, click those heels sista and make this happen!

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Greatest Show on Earth!

Zing Zang Zoom! came to town this week in Fort Worth.
Since I was very little I have had a love affair with the circus. My parents would always take Sara and me to every circus that came in town. One year we even got to ride on a circus trolley during the opening parade!!! In high school, my very first musical I was in was called Barnum, all about the life of Mr. P.T. Barnum himself!
As I got older I still loved the circus, but didn't go as often. Mike and I went one year while dating and Mike scored us some 4th row seats. To my dismay, seeing the circus up close and personal was not the best idea for a fan like myself. During this show the big "hook" was the world's smallest man! Well, we saw the big contraption move to the corner of the floor with a small man that looked truly dead. No kiddin', think Weekend at Bernie's! Then all of a sudden the lights were on him and BAM! this freaky man came to life, waving and flailing around like crazy!!
After this horrific event I have not been back to the circus until Wednesday!
My sister's amazing BFF, Liz, scored us 4 tickets and my parents took Luke and me!
The show was fabulous and everything a circus should be! Thank God we did not have up close seats, but rather seats that enabled us to see all 3 rings and there was NO world's smallest man, otherwise I would have caught up on some Facebook in the car! Luke loved every minute of it, as you will see from the pcitures!
Thank you Liz for this gift, especially from the Mom who now gets to share her love of theatrics with her theatrical son!

Ready for the circus!

He is excited despite the lackluster smile!

The wizard and his groupies!

This is some major belly laughing!!!!!

Okay, so my weird child did wear these the entire show! He's going through a noise sensitivity phase in his life!

Luke thought the show was Thumbs Up!

Nude dude ahead...

This is what a sugar rush after the circus looks like in our house!!
We continued the fun the next morning with some Cotton Candy breakfast but with clothes!!!!!

#1 Reason Why I LOVE Summer!

#1...This guy!
I have the best job in the world where I can spend 2+months with Luke! Every Summer just gets better and better! School starts back next week, so we are spending a lot of special time together doing our fair share of wrestling and perfecting our Wipeout moves! Love you tons, Lucas Corgan!

#2 Reasons Why I LOVE Summer!

#2...SHARK WEEK!!!!!
(Duh-Dum, Duh-Dum...)
We LOVE Shark Week during the Summer!!!!

So in honor of our favorite week Luke sported his Jaw Some jammies! Luke rules!

#3 Reasons Why I LOVE Summer!

#3...Popscicles in the Party Wagon!
Everytime it rains Luke wants to go outside and have popscicle in the back of the Armada! Luckily for us we got some much needed August rain, so we all (Sophie included) piled into the back of the truck for some Summer popscicles!

#4 Reasons Why I LOVE Summer!

#4...Bowling with my BOYS!
Luke completed one of his Potty Training charts and this time he chose to go Bowling!

Summer at School!

This was my last week to take my guy to school and I did make him pose for a picture every morning! He has had some great fun at school over the past month! He loves school, his friends, and is starting to mimic everything his teacher says and does! Our biggest goal when putting him into school was not academics. Of course we think he's the smartest kid on the planet, but being an only child he lacks social skills with kids! We have really seen him grow socially!!!! He talks about other kids and asks me to share when we are playing! We could not be more proud of our school guy!
Bring Daddy's tie day!

Precious boy!

Learning about Crabs and Lobsters in Maine

Look at those chompers!

Peace out!

Love him!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Break-Up

As of this morning, I have officially broken up with my skincare regime. To honor my 8 year relationship I wrote my beloved Proactive a farewell letter...

Dear Proactive,

Today is truly a sad day. You have been with me through many hills and smooth patches. I have trusted you with all the important events in my life like photos, weddings, and outings with friends. For the most part you have stood firmly in front of me and been faithful. Like all relationships, I think over the past couple of months I have not treated you as I should. I was not always there for you and then blamed you for my mistakes. I think right now you are holding up some pent up aggression against me and have lashed out in an unflattering manner. Before ,we have spent some time apart, playing the skincare aisle field, but something always brings me back to you. Regretfully, I made the call this morning and didn't just put you on hold for a short time-I terminated my membership (GASP!) Thank you for all you have done and not done for me! I will miss you and your celebrity friends and the fun little box of surprises in the mail every 6 to 8 weeks. I will however not miss the mark you leave on everything you touch (clothing, washcloths, hairbands).

Dear friend, I bid thee farewell and I pray I will be strong and not fall back into my old habits again.



Alright that was tough, but with any bad breakup you need a really steamy rebound, so please be a fantastic wingman and send me your skincare regime!!!