Monday, February 28, 2011

Maniac Monday!


Saturday was an all out Lucas day! We had Lucas' 4 year old pictures with a wonderful young lady named Tiffany. I cannot wait to post her work!!! It was cold and windy and Lucas woke up with a bad case of the NO's! I hope she was able to get some cute shots and I'm pretty positive she got some great ones of his inner Monster!

We went by the mall to shop for Mike some jeans and grab a bite in the Food Court. My sister and I always joke about North East mall being Club Northeast due to all the club going attire worn by mall shoppers, but even in the food court they have TV's set up with clubish music! During lunch we rocked out to the Black Eyed Peas, some country band that had most of the food court singin' along, and Jessie's Girl! Guess who rocked it out?!

Home for a quick nap and then we were off to Jerry's World for Monster Jam!

Here are some pictures of our AWESOME time!

Lucas and his favorite guy!

Look how BIG those tires are!

Lucas got to sign one of the Junkyard cars!

Us with Maximum Destruction

Lucas and Mike with the Maximum Destruction driver! He's holding Lucas up by the back of his shirt and Lucas could not have been more excited!
Lucas' Loot!

Holy Cotton Candy face and hands, and jeans, and shirt, and seat, and hair.....!

The Monster Jam fam!

Maximum Destruction lost its cover, flipped, broke in half, and caught on FIRE! I have never heard Lucas (or Mike) scream so loud!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Photo Friday

We have a date with this dude on Saturday! Happy Friday Peeps!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Into the Woods Wednesday!

Ladies Night!
Ruth on my First Grade team has been telling us girls about Ladies Night at Wine Styles for several months! Well, this month I crawled out of my shell and joined Ruth and Carol for some fun! We had a blast tasting and guessing different wines, eating some snacks, and playing Bingo! The best part about the night was hanging with the girls that I teach with everyday! We didn't have to lesson plan, discuss field trip options, or worry about assessments, we just got to be ourselves: Moms, wives, and best of all FRIENDS!

The Wine Posse: Ruth, me (with my Snookie do), and Carol
The sweet Mom and Daughter who sat with us!

Ruth was the Winner Winner Wine-o Dinner at our table! Look at the cute coaster she won:)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Maniac Monday!

Texas Sniffles
Mike and I have been so blessed to have a child who NEVER was sick as a baby! Up until this year we never saw the doctor if it was not a well check visit. Now with Lucas starting preschool we have seen the doctor several times! We have noticed that any change in the weather brings on a big allergy attack for our guy, which then usually turns into something else. Last night in our shuffle of bath and bedtime we accidentally overdosed him on his Singulair. He likes this nightly allergy pill, so when I asked him if he already took it with Dad he told me "No". As soon as I gave him the pill he said he already did take it and chomped it up as fast as he could. Thank God for our neighbor Nicole, who is a pharmacist! She was able to reassure me that it would be okay the one time and no Singulair tonight! I feel like we do everything possible to keep the seasonal allergies at bay, but with no success! If you have a child who suffers from the Texas Sniffles I would love to know what you do!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Photo Friday

Our house is being built faster than we can keep up! We went out this past Sunday and took some pictures and the next day Mike drove by and windows had been installed! Good news and bad news all wrapped into one!

The Valentine's Open House went well. People love the house but are just having a hard time with the road noise from the backyard! Totally understandable! We do have a potential buyer who our realtor is meeting with! Let's hope she can't live without Judy or we might have to fall back in love with the old girl and stay awhile!

The bonus is we won't have to change our band name on Guitar Hero!!!!!!

House prayers for our family are very much appreciated! We know that this all happens for a reason that we are not in control of, but trust me, the Lord knows I LOVE to be in control!

Happy Friday Peeps!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Into the Woods Wednesday!

Lucas' BEST day!
Technically, I should have posted this on Maniac Monday, but there were too many cute Valentine pictures to wait!
Lucas goes to preschool 3 days a week. Everyday we get a sheet with curriculum, what he ate for lunch, and my favorite is the Memorable Moments section at the bottom. Being a teacher, and knowing what time it takes to do your job, I would first like to say a GIANT kuddos to those preschool teachers at Lucas' school who have a memorable moment for every child, every day!
So, he brings his sheet home on Tuesday and check out his memorable moment...
I will repeat....
"Lucas is the ONLY kiddo in the entire class who earned 2 prizes today!"
Holy Guacamole! That cannot be the same 3 year old, who the night before, didn't want to go to the bathroom so he just stood up and peed all over the couch! Or the 3 year old who has not earned many "Stop Whining" magnets this week on his responsibility chart!
Needless to say we were so pumped and made a huge deal out of this. We treated him to his favorite place in the whole wide world, Rosa's Tortilla Factory, ON A TUESDAY! Yep, on Taco Tuesday. Now if that's not love I don't know what is!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Maniac Monday!

Happy Valentine's Day!
We had a great time celebrating Valentine's Day this year. There have been years, in high school, where Mike would fill my room with roses or spell out "I Love You" with red rose petals, but those days are long gone! When we became an "old married couple" we started celebrating at fancy places like Taco Cabana or CiCi's pizza! Then, as we became a Momma and Poppa, the day got even more lame! This year we went to eat at Double Dave's Pizza, snacked on high fat content desserts, had an Open House for Judy Way, and I went to Zumba! Here are some pictures from our day!
Lucas got a soccer goal from Granny and Papa. Doesn't he look just like David Beckham, sans the soccer shorts?!

Lucas and Keko in matching shirts! What says love like the matching attire!

Lucas getting ready for school with his cool Smurfs Valentine shirt and a smile that melts his momma's heart!

This is the special Valentine from Lucas this year! We named it "Hearty"!
(I am NOT pregnant! Remind me to NEVER wear stripes for a picture again!)

My Double Daves Pizza date!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Photo Friday

Wanna know what the Woods family does after 5 snow days?

We rock it hard core with Haltom Buff 'boggins, frog jammers, and a plastic microphone!

Happy Friday Peeps!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Into the Woods Wednesday

The New Casa

We have really enjoyed driving out to our new house being built and watching the fast progress they are making. Awesome and scary, since we are STILL trying to sell Judy!

Here are some pics of our new house from the ground up!

Up next: cornice, deck, and shingle the roof!

**Open House this Saturday 2-5pm for our Judy House!**

Monday, February 7, 2011

Maniac Monday!

After 4 days of snow and ice I have to say I was welcoming Monday, which is very unheard of around here! Lucas had a double ear infection last week so he missed school all week as well. Everyday at school we are given a daily sheet of things they learned and a memorable moment. On Monday, there were studying animals and in particular, elephants. Lucas does not really like to answer a lot of questions, so when he volunteers info about school, we take notice. In the bathtub tonight, he told me he was going to tell me 2 things about school and that was it!
In the words of Lucas Corgan they were...
1. Elephants that people shoot are called "in danger"!
2. Cade was not at school 'cause he has in-flu-enza!
Mike went on to teach him the name of the people that shoot these "in danger" animals as poachers, or as Lucas now calls them "pokers". He also told Mike that he was a poker 'cause Daddy has a gun and shoots birds at our house.
*Side note*
Mike did borrow a BB gun from a friend to scare away the grackles in our front tree, but he doesn't shoot birds on our street! I'm pretty sure the teacher (or CPS) will be calling to ask why Lucas' father shoots animals in the city in front of small children! Awesome:)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Photo Friday

Iced In Edition

With the massive snowfall Thursday night, we were reduced to eating Snowcream! Just kidding, I saw this recipe on Facebook and thought it would be cool! It was actually really good, minus the yellow snow:)

Not so much a snow bunny!

The only reason to go to school was for some sledding fun!

On our "death" ride to go sledding, we saw several people walking with brew boxes! I guess they are taking the phrase, "Don't Drink and Drive" very literal!
(I would only do this for donuts or cheese pizza!)
Our snowy Judy!

Happy Friday Peeps! Stay warm and remember to walk and get yo beer!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Into the Woods Wednesday

Our Winter Wonderland

I can't believe the weather people got it right this time! We have been snowed/iced/below zero since Tuesday morning! With no warming temps in the next 2 days we are enjoying our little "mini" vacation at home! Granted, I will be crying and swearing this snow storm in June, but right now it ROCKS!!!!!! Our snow days have consisted of rolling blackouts, sleeping late, dressing only in warm jammers and no make up, a fire in the fireplace, hot cocoa, playing for a total of 5 minutes outside until it's too cold to move, too many hours of Guitar Hero, and plenty of good 'ol TV time!

Here are some pics from our snow day(s)!