We can no longer call Judy our house. That feels weird. She officially became someone else's girl on Friday. We have been so preoccupied packing that I really didn't think I had time to reflect or be sad, but boy was I wrong. Last Sunday when all the neighbors and kids were out playing, as we all did on most beautiful weekends, we were stuck inside packing away all our fond memories of our girl. When we all met outside on Thursday night I cried like I was loosing a family and I did in a way. Let's just say Judy has seen the best and worst over the past 8 years.
Mike and I moved into our first home on January 31st, 2003. We were newly married and had so many hopes and dreams to fulfill. Judy saw us through most of those adventures. Please allow me to share with you a highlight reel of January 31 2003-April 8, 2011...
* Ripping off all the 80's mauve and teal flower wallpaper!
*DIY projects that were a hit (texturing) and miss (back patio)
*Many a fun Christmas and NYE parties
*Wolf pack meetings in the front yard
*Watching all the littles turn into biggies
*No shortage of Judy drama~break in's, break up's, too much of this and that:)
*Power outages and car wrecks
*Guitar Hero jam sessions
*Bringing home new puppies, rabbits, and a baby
*Great neighbors who became great friends
*Love, laughter, and heartbreak
We will love and miss you old girl! We look forward to seeing what you will provide for the new owners and we hope they love you and respect you, cause girl you deserve it!
Very sweet post. You will make so many great new memories in your new house, but I bet there's always something special about that first house.
ReplyDeleteI remember when you moved into Judy! Your first house will always hold special memories...I cried when we left our first house. You'll make so many sweet memories in your new house too! :)