I lose sight of this precious gift when I am being woken up nightly at 2am or 4am or 6am or anytime in between for all the reasons under the moon, I am asked 1 billion questions that Luke, in turn, already knows the answer to, or when I spend my meals worrying if he will barf when eating something new!
All of these things are so small in comparison to the day I became a Mom! What a cool and awesome job! It makes me love and appreciate my own Mom that much more. No one will ever be able to tell you how much you will love this job. It is thankless, tiresome, and just plain HARD WORK and at the end of the day worth it enough to do it all over again!
Of all the things I love about Lucas, I LOVE watching this dude mature and grow, question, love, and become his own person. He is beyond sweet and stubborn all in the same breath. Thank you Lucas Corgan for giving me the best Mother's Day gift-YOU!
Happy Mother's Day!