Monday, July 2, 2012


We have many cameras in our household...the camera phone, the small pink one to carry in my purse, the video camera to collect dust in the bag that we swear we should start using more, and the super nice Canon for all those special occasions, like a trip to the Bahamas!
Well we took the nice Canon camera to the Bahamas in May to celebrate a new baby on the way-whoa! not me, but our friends who were kind enough to take us along on their Babymoon and for Mike and me to celebrate 10 years of whole matrimony!
For some crazy reason I CANNOT get the new laptop, courtesy of NWISD, to sync to the Canon.  I have tried hours of reading the owners manual, installing and reinstalling the software, Google researching, and to no avail.  I'm now beginning to think its the USB cable that connects the two devices...
So for now, I imagine me and the hubs on an incredible vacay with 2 fun friends, lounging, drinking fruity concoctions, and relaxing.  Maybe, just maybe there will be pics someday!

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