Monday, January 31, 2011

Maniac Monday

NFL Experience
Mike took Lucas to the NFL Experience in Dallas on Sunday. They boarded the TRE train and set out for a day of football! Here is our BIG Football star!
Something happened here that may or may not have damaged some one's ego!

Our #1 guy!

How adorable is this!!!

Thanks to Mike for braving the crowds and taking Lucas on this adventure of a lifetime!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Photo Friday!

We had a wonderful week! Here are 2 pictures that sum up a grand week! What says Heaven like taking a bath being serenaded by Daddy!
Lovin' some 70 degree weather in January with a cup 'o juice and a beach umbrella!

Happy Friday Peeps!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Into the Woods Wednesday

As you know, we put our house on the market in August. We have not been successful selling it. At the same time we found a house plan/builder and an oversized lot we could not pass up. So, as of now we have 2 houses! We delayed as much as possible designing the new house, with many un-returned phone calls. In December we finally had to make our final decisions and in the past 3 weeks our plot of dirt has had some major action. The pics show what had happened as of last weekend. Mike went by yesterday and even more had been done! The builder is estimating the house will be move-in ready in early June! Perfect timing for moving and organizing our stuff for me!!!!!
Now we just have to sell our dear Judy Way house. We are having our 3rd or 4th (can't keep track) Open House this weekend! We welcome all prayers for a buyer for Judy and a speedy sell!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Maniac Monday

We are entering the sad phase of parenthood called the Terrible Three's or Fierce Four's(Wah, wah, waaaaah)! With this tumultuous time we have dug out the good ol' token reward system called the Responsibility chart! We gave Luke 5 responsibilities for each day including, brush your teeth, take a bath, say please and thank you, pick up your toys, and the killer of all killers...STOP WHINING! He has done great so far. He has struggled to receive all 5 magnets some days (I bet you can guess which one he doesn't always get!), but the point is he is starting to catch himself before a freak out and tries to cool down! The poor guy did spend one night sobbing himself to sleep for not earning all 5. Terribly pitiful, but at least we have found something, for now, that works! Every night we add up the magnets he has earned and he gets his reward! Some of his rewards have been a slumber party with Mom(he loves it and I hate it), using his bathtub crayons, donuts, and of course quarters! Tonight he is working to earn some Elmo bath fizz!

Here's to many more 5 magnet days!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Photo Friday!

Every Friday my goal is to post some pics, thus Photo Friday! I am going to try and let the pictures do the talking, but lord knows I love to commentate!

Happy Friday Peeps!

Thanks to my foodie friend Chelsea for the yummy food, good movie, and rockin' girl time!

Dude, where's my car? Traded that bus for a smaller ride!

Happy late, late, late b-day M!

Our Playboy model!
This is how Mike and I will be able to retire one day!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Into the Woods Wednesday!

Here is my new Wednesday title that you will (hopefully see every Wednesday or Thursday)! I am dedicating Wednesday to all things Woods. We are not overly exciting people, but I like to remind myself that we do occasionally have something cool to contribute to the world!

Soccer Super Star
My husband was Mr. Fitness back in the day. You know, never had to work out to look good, never had to eat the right things to stay thin. Well in comes the Mrs. and his poor body has succumbed to being a married man of a wife who does her best to keep my man fed! Mike loves to stay active, especially with team sports. He has been apart of softball teams, flag football teams, and now an indoor soccer team. When he came home and told me he was considering taking up soccer I almost choked! The last time Mike has played soccer was when he was 5 and had a cool permed mullet!
But as any good athlete would do, he went and geared himself up to at least look the part, right?!

His first game began at 10:30 AT NIGHT! I guess people still function past 8 pm, but not in my world! I slept with my cell by the bed in case I needed to pick him up at the hospital. He got home about MIDNIGHT and I faintly remember him saying it went well and about seeing Tony Romo. What...Tony Romo. Now I don't know much about sports but doesn't this dude play football? Apparently, even athletes gain a couple of extra lbs. during their time off, so he does this to stay fit as a football! Thank goodness Mike's next games were at 6:45 and we could tag along! I have to say I was waaaaay impressed with my husband and his recollection of soccer after 29+years and a couple of extra lbs! Even more cool was the fact that we saw a Raccoon and 2 bunnies near the front entrance! Yeah, I bet you thought I was going to say Tony Romo!!! Oh no, celebrities are cool and all, but seeing adorable critters up close and personal is way more awesome!
So here's to you Mike Woods/Pele/Tony Romo/David Beckham"ish" for being the soccer superstar of my dreams:)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Maniac Monday!

Introducing my New Year's Resolution...Maniac Monday!
Every Monday I am going to share the life according to my little Maniac, Lucas Corgan!
So here's to the first Monday post of 2011!

My Un-Perfect Angel

I spend a great deal of time worrying myself sick about who I DON'T want my child to be. I also spend as much time fretting about who I DO want him to be. As much as my OCD brain loves this torture, I am slowly figuring out he is who he is and I am going to have to get over it, like it or not! So in honor of this sweet child of mine, I am going to start the year with a list of the good, bad, and ugly that is my un-perfect angel!

*Lucas loves to start his day dragging out as many toys as he can and piling them into my bed that will later in the day become a battle of wills to get cleaned up!

*His favorite color is Black.

*He spends much of his time shaking his booty even when music is not present!

*His favorite body part is boobs. Major obsession, but he does ask kindly if he can touch them. Thank God he's not the snatch and grab type:)

*He will strip to his birthday suit in a heartbeat!

*He makes a funny little "hoot" sound when he needs a wipe on the potty!

*He is the biggest chicken I have ever met (so like his Mommy).

*He loves to read and learn about bugs and cars!

*Lucas loves the weather and likes to give a daily report, which usually involves some form of "doom and gloom".

*Wow-he is a head strong child who knows what he wants and when. He spends plenty of quality time in time out, thinking about making good choices!

*He loves jelly sandwiches, slices of cheese, sliced pickles, and sprinkle donuts. (I will pay for his lack of healthy eating for sure)

*He likes to know if you are wearing panties or underwear (so proud)!

*He is super friendly and never meets a stranger!

*Wipeout is his favorite show and he loves to reenact it on the couch every night!

*He brings great joy and fun to our life everyday!

Happy Maniac Monday to my precious boy!