Friday, November 4, 2011

Lucas' first field trip!

I cannot believe that my little guy is about to be a Kindergartner in less than a year!  Slow down time!!!!!
We LOVE his preschool teacher and his class and he even gets to be there with his favorite girl, Bella!
A couple of weeks ago their class was headed to the Fire Station for a little bit of fire safety fun.  Luckily for me, my parents were in Vegas so it was the perfect excuse to play "Mom" for the day!
(Sidenote:  I am not always in mom mode and kinda forgot to check and double check the location of the fire station!  Oops-let's just say we toured another fire station and were even offered a ride on the fire truck to get to the correct one! UGG!)
Lucas had a cool time seeing where the fire fighters sleep and eat when on duty.  They explored the massive trucks with neat gear and everyone got to sit in the drivers seat! 

At the end of the field trip they turned on the truck sirens and completely scared all the kids!
We were told ahead of time that after the field trip we were welcome to take our kids and not go back to school if we so desired (genius teacher!), but guess who insisted that I take him back to school for a  whopping 45 minutes??????

We were in charge of snacks for the day so my friend Courtney made these adorable fire truck cookies!

Sweet Mrs. Wendy let me come in a little early and watch Luke share for show-n-tell!  I am so proud of my little learner and grateful to share in his first field trip adventure!

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