Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Birthday America!

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating our freedom! Here are some pics of our great time!!
This is Brandon, our Hibachi master, at Ha Ba Ni!
Sara and Shane love Hibachi tricks!
I think this singed my eyebrows!

This dude LOVES 3D movies! Toy Story 3 was awesome!

Chillin' at the Quad Cities fireworks show

The crew!
It gets harder every year to take a decent picture!!
The family

The Adams family

Bella did some interpretive dancing to the fireworks show!

The Boom Boom Pows!

This is how Luke watched the fireworks and when his arms got tired Granny covered his ears for him!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics!! And PS I am in blog heaven right now- I cannot believe the wealth of posts I am about to get to read.
