Monday, February 28, 2011

Maniac Monday!


Saturday was an all out Lucas day! We had Lucas' 4 year old pictures with a wonderful young lady named Tiffany. I cannot wait to post her work!!! It was cold and windy and Lucas woke up with a bad case of the NO's! I hope she was able to get some cute shots and I'm pretty positive she got some great ones of his inner Monster!

We went by the mall to shop for Mike some jeans and grab a bite in the Food Court. My sister and I always joke about North East mall being Club Northeast due to all the club going attire worn by mall shoppers, but even in the food court they have TV's set up with clubish music! During lunch we rocked out to the Black Eyed Peas, some country band that had most of the food court singin' along, and Jessie's Girl! Guess who rocked it out?!

Home for a quick nap and then we were off to Jerry's World for Monster Jam!

Here are some pictures of our AWESOME time!

Lucas and his favorite guy!

Look how BIG those tires are!

Lucas got to sign one of the Junkyard cars!

Us with Maximum Destruction

Lucas and Mike with the Maximum Destruction driver! He's holding Lucas up by the back of his shirt and Lucas could not have been more excited!
Lucas' Loot!

Holy Cotton Candy face and hands, and jeans, and shirt, and seat, and hair.....!

The Monster Jam fam!

Maximum Destruction lost its cover, flipped, broke in half, and caught on FIRE! I have never heard Lucas (or Mike) scream so loud!

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