Monday, February 7, 2011

Maniac Monday!

After 4 days of snow and ice I have to say I was welcoming Monday, which is very unheard of around here! Lucas had a double ear infection last week so he missed school all week as well. Everyday at school we are given a daily sheet of things they learned and a memorable moment. On Monday, there were studying animals and in particular, elephants. Lucas does not really like to answer a lot of questions, so when he volunteers info about school, we take notice. In the bathtub tonight, he told me he was going to tell me 2 things about school and that was it!
In the words of Lucas Corgan they were...
1. Elephants that people shoot are called "in danger"!
2. Cade was not at school 'cause he has in-flu-enza!
Mike went on to teach him the name of the people that shoot these "in danger" animals as poachers, or as Lucas now calls them "pokers". He also told Mike that he was a poker 'cause Daddy has a gun and shoots birds at our house.
*Side note*
Mike did borrow a BB gun from a friend to scare away the grackles in our front tree, but he doesn't shoot birds on our street! I'm pretty sure the teacher (or CPS) will be calling to ask why Lucas' father shoots animals in the city in front of small children! Awesome:)

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