As you may or may not have noticed until this past week I was in a blogging funk. I had so much to tell about but just didn't want to spend the time creating a blog. It's a lot of pressure to be witty and funny and have cool pictures and not have crazy blank spots in your post. Ugg! So as I was sitting in my bed
one early morning or 11:00ish in my Pj's watching old episodes of Storage Wars (cool), I thought of my friend Amanda and how she always has cool posts and her writing sounds just like how she talks in "real life" with cool pictures. I remembered that over Spring Break, she and a co-worker did a blog challenge and it was so fun to read every day! Voila, an idea was born!! I called my great buddy Chelsea and proposed a blog challenge to get me out of my writing funk. After a series of calls, google searches, and texting you are in store for 10 days of rip roaring, side splitting, good ole blogging fun! Check back daily and see what the days topic is and better yet, join in and do the challenge too!
Here are my 2 best blogging buddies...
This is Amanda. She is the genius behind the Blog Challenge idea. I'm guessing she is spending her summer vacation doing some Sherlock Holmes type work!
This is Chelsea. She is my partner in crime for the blog challenge. She hearts pretzels and so does her baby! She also might be one of the coolest humans I know:) Let me know if that helps me win anything from your blog this week!
You can check out her hilarious blog
Clutch picture. Thanks for that ;)