Friday, June 24, 2011

Hail To The NO with a Twister thrown in for good measure!

We are playing "catch up" at The Babblings of Brooke so here is the scariest thing thing that has ever happened to me in all my 33 years! I am no stranger to spooky, unpredictable weather living in Texas. I really thought we had dodged the Spring storms this year until this fine Tuesday in May. At this time we were still staying with Keko and Dodi and I had just gotten home from gettin' my hair did when the TV was blaring with warnings and weather predictions.No biggie, just some thunder storms, right?
Mike and I pride ourselves on always keeping a tidy garage and always being able to park in it, but this time there was no room in the inn for our 2 cars. Boo! We were pummeled with hail for what seemed like an eternity. Once the never-ending hail storm ended, Mike and Shane proceeded to forecast the weather from outside in the front yard with all the other phantom neighbors on my sister's street and Sara and Luke played angry birds and did an occasional Facebook drive-by in the master closet.
Where was I, you might ask?
Oh, I was the complete psycho running from the front yard in my slipper shoes to the closet screaming for the guys to take shelter and getting water bottles for the closet patrons, (which never made it off the kitchen table) like a crazed chihuahua dog!
Once the meteorologists, husbands decided that the swirling , twirling clouds above Fencerow were enough to come in and take shelter, we all (Sara, Shane, Mike, Me, Luke, and Brutus the 1 million pound German Shepherd) sat really quiet in the closet.  This is where the little girl in me, who was afraid of WIND, cried silently in the corner while holding my child who cared nothing about a storm, or tornado, or death.  I prayed that we would be spared by this twister and live to see another day.  Within minutes, the clouds parted, the sneers were made towards me, and all the neighborhood reconvened to small talk about our "near death" experience.  I will never live down my crying in the closet or my rampant running around the house, but I am thankful we made it with a few or 12 car dings and a new house that needed some new gutters before the move in!  I am so happy its summer and the storms are far, far away for now!

1 comment:

  1. A. Your new blog background is rockin!!! I love, love, love it!
    B. Kudos to you on all the posts
    C. This post was HILARIOUS although at the time I know it was awful for you.
