Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Blog Challenge #6: It's All About the Benjamins, baby!

For this blog challenge I am to imagine that I wake up and there is a crisp hundi sitting on my pillow.  How would I spend this cool Benjamin you ask....

On this...
Laser Hair Removal

Now, I know that $100 dollars would probably only get me a small fraction of that baby bottom skin I so desire, but it would also keep me from looking like this...
What are your thoughts about Laser Hair removal?  I would love some first hand experience to help me on this hairLESS journey!


  1. Crisp benji- LOL! Here is what I want to happen- you get laser hair removal and then tell me how it is. I would love to do that. Actually I'd love to brave a wax other than my eye brows if you catch my drift but I've never been brave enough.

  2. That is hilarious!!! You are too funny! A friend of mine gets hair removal done quite frequently at a salon in Southlake on the side of shops opposite the town square! I'll see if I can find out the name!
